Monday 1 December 2008

Mommy needs a nap

I seriously have an attitude problem today. I'm absurdly exhausted from the weekend, and Hazel's not wanting a nap. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

I've been trying to get stuff for Christmas done, and I just keep screwing them up. 24 days until Christmas means I have 21 days before we fly out and that leaves 20 days to get *bleep* together.

Plus, Hazel is in EVERYTHING. So I put stuff up, and she just gets in OTHER stuff. She doesn't want to play with me, everything I get out for us to do, she walks over, takes out of my hands and then sets it down somewhere else in the apartment.

I'm seriously going to have someone's head.

And I know it's me, because I've been sitting here getting honked off at Brett for something that happened 3 days ago. Something that I would have a right to be angry about, but if I was going to be upset about it, I should have gotten angry earlier than now.

Well I need to go get lunch ready so the nut and I can take a nap. I apparently woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and we need to remedy that....

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