Friday 24 July 2009

Freaky Friday

I woke up this morning about 4:15.

Weird dream, the need to pee, and inability to breath out of one nostril. Got up, did my business to remedy the last to problems and then laid back down.

No sleep. I played on my Nintendo DS, I snuggled down deep, but no sleep.

Then Hazel woke up at 5:30. Hurray. And we've been up since. I'm quickly winding down, but I know that if I lay down now, I'll just lay awake. So I sit, 1/2 alive, blogging and knitting.

Hazel's got a new habit that I forgot to tell you about.

She's always been a belly button and nipple rubber when she gets tired. We know she's tired when the bellybutton is rubbed raw.

Lately, however, she's been lifting her shirt high above her boobies and pressing her belly against EVERYTHING. The TV. The Wall. The Door. The Couch. On the Table top. If you can press your belly against something at her height, she does it.

It's a bit freaky to see your 22 month old, shirt up, pressed against the wall. But, ya know, whatever blows her socks off, I suppose!

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