So we had a terrific run. She did great yesterday afternoon post nap, so we thought we'd give it one more day to give her a fair shot at PTing.
This morning she got up and was willing to sit on the potty for quite a while (we were hoping the odds would find her peeing at some point) but I went to fill up her juice cup and she stood up walked over to me and peed on the tile in the kitchen. She immediately burst into her heartbroken tears. Just sobbing. I know there's going to be accidents, and I don't believe in yelling at her for an accident...she doesn't undertand...but we talked about it. REcognizing what happened, that mommy wasn't angry but we should try to do that in the we wanna sit on the potty? She just sobbed harder.
It was then that I decided we were done potty training for now. It was stressing my poor little Hazel out, and it shouldn't stress her out. It should stress Mommy out, but not my little girl. I can't imagine how stressful things are for her anyway...imagine growing all the time, which makes you hungry all the time, and not being able to communicate exactly what you want without pointing or simple basic signs or crying. I can't imagine wanting to do things Mommy can do, but not being able to. Always being too short or too small. I want learning to be fun for her, not a punishment. So we'll put off PTing for a couple of months, she's showing signs, and the dr said I should give it a try, and we did, but maybe in a couple months she'll be showing more signs and a little more ready. I don't see this run as a waste at all, I'm hoping that when she IS ready, this experience will just have familiarized her with the potty and terminology and maybe next time she'll be ready!
Long Time No Write!
13 years ago
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