It's been a great weekend. Saturday....we did nothing. :) It was fantastic. We had Indian for dinner and then Daddy surprised us with ice cream cones and a stroll through town to "walk off dinner". It was the perfect Saturday. Sunday...we all got up around 7:30, then Daddy and Matt went fishing at a lake nearby while Hazel and I went to breakfast in town. We had fried eggs and english muffins and pancakes. Great breakfast btw. Yum. Then we decided to surprise Daddy and Matt with coffee and an egg/bacon muffin sandwich since neither got breakfast and it was freezing. The lake is huge and (of course) our guys were sitting on the opposite side of the lake from the car park, so we hiked it all the way around the lake to them. There was a father/son pair that we passed enroute, and the father-figure looked at me, looked at Hazel, then looked at our coffee/breakfast. "There's a couple of VERY spoiled people around here somewhere, huh?" He said with a smile and a wink as we passed by. "Nope, just loved." was my reply. :) There were tons of people walking with their dogs, which put Hazel in heaven. I think the guys got an extra skip in their step from being brought breakfast. Then, freezing, Hazel and I headed home. Brrr. Fishing in Northern IReland is much to chilly for us.
This week we have a break from mom and tots for Easter break which is 2 weeks. I think Hazel and I are going to go see a movie tomorrow in Belfast. Well, there's an Easter party at one of the M&T's that we go to, but I don't know if we'll go or not. I kind of feel like H and I need a day out alone. Ya know? Watch a movie, have some pizza together, walk around the mall. It's a mommy daughter date! We'll see what happens today, though. We may just hold off on Movie morning until next week when Daddy can go.
I'm starting to make a mental note of all I need to pack to come home in just under 3 weeks. We're going to try to pack light as I'll be traveling with Hazel, but even if I manage to pack the checked luggage light, the carry-on is still a disaster. I've decided to make some homemade play dough for the flight. I thought it would be fun to make one batch and then just divide it and make 3 or 4 different colors. Put them in a clean butter tub and we're set! That way if I end up throwing it away, I won't have spent more than about $2 on the whole thing. That'll buy us atleast 1/2 hour entertainment on the plane....
Late Breaking News:
Mommy just dropped an entire glass container of Nutmeg on her tile floor. The glass shattered, spilling ground nutmeg and throwing glass shards to the 4 corners of her living area. Yay. Can we just discuss the fact that a little nutmeg smells heavenly. Lots of nutmeg smells like dirt. And not in that Spring planting, natural yummy dirt smell. More like, tobacco meets mold meets wet dog scented dirt smell. And now my house smells of the later. Ick.
Speaking of things that smell. I've found another thing to add to my 403 reasons I hate living in this apartment list. We have new neighbors. Right next door in 44. The way this stupid complex is built, our little "alley" doesn't allow any air to escape as it sucks in all the wind and it just swirls around and around in here. Well, #44 are smokers. Now, to each his own. I personally do not understand smoking. It stinks, it's stupidly expensive, and if you have a history of cancer in your family, then you're basically slowly writing your own suicide note. But everyone is entitled to make their own decisions, and I respect that. I do know that it's hard to quit, especially when things in life get hard, but I digress. I don't want it in my house or around my child. And that is MY decision. So, back to #44. They smoke. and even though our little alleyway is windy, their doorway is sheltered from the wind and rain, so it's the ideal place to smoke. Now, our house only lets out in that little alleyway and then at our front patio (both on the same side of the building). Theirs, however, lets out in the front (in the alleyway) and then on the other side of the building. So there are 2 places that they could smoke. Well, because we don't have a recess at our front door, and the door is very poorly insulated, all the smoke they produce gets SUCKED right under the crack in our front door. These people smoke like a chimney during a bitter winter. So for the past week (they've just recently discovered the advantages to smoking on this side) our house has STUNK of cigarette smoke. Our downstairs bathroom smells like it belongs in a pub. And we can't open our side window (which if you remember is our ONLY downstairs window and this place gets really hot with it closed) because then it's almost direct 2nd hand smoke. I kept trying to catch them out theree, so I could politely ask them to smoke on the other side of the house, but I would be too late every time. Well, finally, last night, I caught them. I honestly was as nice as anyone could be, explaining the situation about the wind and the door and window and such. That woman looked at me like she could not believe I was asking such a rude of you (me)!....and then, as bi*%&y as possible, she responded, "Sure." Didn't smile. Nothing. Now, let me tell you, she was smoking with a friend. And that friend was CLEARLY pregnant. It took all I could do not to stare at her big belly while she took drag after drag off her cigarette. Obviously if they have no qualms about smoking while pregnant, then they're going to have no problem subjecting us to it. My heart absolutely ached for that baby in there. I know I was very strict as to what I would and wouldn't eat while I was preggo and all that jazz. I was probably more strict than most people would agree with, but I don't regret a second of it and I will do it again for every other baby I have. But the thought of subjecting your poor unborn child to something like that strictly out of selfishness, just leaves me speechless and dumbfounded. I just don't get it. And I really don't want anyone to "try and explain." Thanks though! Okay, I've had my vent. Long story short. I wanna move. The kitchen sink has sprung a leak, and the plaster on a good portion of the wall at the top of the stairs is pulling away. Is it time to come home yet?
You can see our Patio doors at the front, our lonely window around the corner, and our front door right next to the window. #44 sits in a slight recess immediately to the right of our door (it's the one facing you), the wall to the right of #44 (that you can see a thin sliver of at the edge of the pic) juts out a bit creating a corner for #44 but aiming the smoke right at our door. Shelter for them, suffication for us. Sigh.
Long Time No Write!
13 years ago
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