Thursday, 6 August 2009

But it SUPPOSED to be there...

Last Friday I chose to do what many think is just all kinds of masochistic.

I chose to wax all unwanted hair on my body. Well, I suppose not ALL of it went. I left some.

I had my legs, eyebrows, bikini, and underarms waxed. All in one visit.

It actually wasn't that bad. I usually do my bikini and eyebrows, and I used to get my legs done, but tried underarms for the first time. It really was quick and easy and far beats the razor burn that is left behind by alternate means of epilation. my underarms were sore afterwards, but that's to be expected and I wasn't too bothered.

Brett winces at the thought of me plucking ONE hair from his eyebrows. And it's usually the one that I could wind around a curling iron, it's so long. Old men have eyebrows hairs hat long, and he freaks when I pluck ONE.

"But it's SUPPOSED to be there. LEave it alone. It isn't hurting anyone."

I still make him let me pluck it. I think it's the reason he never complains if I have leg hair as long as his....he's afraid I'll make him "groom" his....

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