My little Hazel spends all day, every day trying to do what I do. She wants to help me do the laundry, vacuum, cook lunch/dinner. She has to climb the stairs the way I do (which scares me to death, so it's gated) and come down the stairs the way I do (which means I currently have a carpet burn on my butt and thighs so we both learn the "proper" way to do it). She only wants to sit on the couch the way I do (with my legs hanging over the side, which means she scoots all the way to the edge so HER legs hang over). She answers the phone the way I do, repeats things I say and in the TONE I use.
She wants so bad to be big enough and do everything Mommy does. And I know it won't last forever, so I'm trying to enjoy it while it's going on. And I try to remember what she's watching and learning so I'm a little more careful with what I do every day.
But watching her this morning, I realized how much I want to be like her! I want to be excited about life the way she is. I wanna break out in dance every time I hear a song I like...and not worry about what I look like when I'm doing it or where I'm doing it. She's OK with her body (she's big on playing with her belly button) and believes people when they tell her she's pretty...but not in an "Oh, I know." way! She has no problem saying no if she doesn't like or want something or if she's had enough. Now, I know a lot of this is because she doesn't know any better, but why do we have to know better? Why can't we just accept life as it is? She's not afraid to try new things or attempt to conquer the world. And she's happy as a lark.
I wanna be like her!
Long Time No Write!
13 years ago
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