Monday, 1 December 2008


Now I consider myself a fairly high functioning person in the morning. (I know those of you who knew me prior to Hazel are disagreeing, but things change when you have a little one who IS a morning person) I manage to get up with Hazel during the week somewhere between 6 and 8, bring her downstairs, change her diaper, get her a sippy cup full of milk, and stare blankly at the TV. Now, granted, that isn't a lot going on, but I manage to get stuff done should we be doing more than lounging around the house all day. And often that involves getting her dressed and ready to drive Brett to work should we want the car for the day!

I also manage to accomplish all of this without coffee or tea. I do, I promise.

That being said, though, my functionality is very tunneled toward child care. Beyond that, I don't do too well. I rarely have much to talk about and I'm certainly not geared for any problem solving that early.

This morning, however, pushed my morning brain to it's limits.

Let me explain.

The child care aspect of my morning faired the same as any other day. Got up, diaper, milk, happy kid. Brett, on the other hand, was banking on my ability to problem solve.

Here was the conversation:

Brett: Carli, where did you put the keys to the front door?---(for those who don't know, we only
have one set)

Me: I dunno, they should be on the table.

Brett: They aren't there, where else could you have put them?

Me: I don't know, they're either in my coat pocket, on the table, or....wait, you had them last, you were the one who locked the front door before we went to bed.

Brett: Did I? Well, the only place I would have put them would be the table. So where are they?

Me: I don't know! Could you have carried them off somewhere?

He ran upstairs, and this conversation went on for 20 minutes. TWENTY minutes! My brain doesn't work that well in the morning. But we continued to look EVERYWHERE they might have been and even places they might NOT have been (aka the Fridge). Finally, when he was officially late for work, the morning genius that was previously sound asleep in my head, woke up.

Me: Did you grab both sets of keys this morning? (we have 2 key fobs, one with front door keys and the other to our patio doors...he typically takes the patio as H and I are home all day)

Brett: No.

Cue Brett looking sheepish.

He produced 2 sets of keys.

Maybe I'm overestimating the severity of the situation this morning. Maybe the whole morning was, in fact, simply child care. I just had an extra child.


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