Monday, 12 January 2009

Be like her Part 2

I love staying at home with Hazel. I think I've mentioned that before. She's fun and I love watching her learn new things.

And I love seeing the things God chooses to teach me through her.

Today, we have absolutely fantastic weather. It's in the high 40's, blue skies and just gorgeous out. So Hazel and I decided to take a walk to the harbour. Now, we're still fighting jetlag a bit, and when the decision was made, we were both still in our jammies. So we went upstairs to change for our outting...

Hazel's getting to the point where she doesn't want to be carried upstairs unless she's sleepy. So, I flip on the hall light and she books it down our tiny hallway to the stairs and basically LEAPS onto the first stair. She's so excited about being able to climb the stairs that she cannot get there and up the first stair fast enough. And the rest of her climb up our stairs is met with the same enthusiasm. YAY for climbing stairs!!!!! She's getting pretty good at stair climbing and can scale them fairly fast, but she still has atleast one or two moments when she's going so fast that she misses the steps with her knee and slips. It doesn't phase her, though, because she knows I'm right behind her to right her again. Then, instead of letting the little slip hurt her feelings, she attacks the rest of the stairs with the same excitement that she had for all the previous steps. Finally, when she gets to the top, she runs down the hallway to attack the next challenge, never once looking back at her slips on the stairs behind her. She never gives up on what's ahead of her because she didn't scale those steps perfectly. She'll get them eventually, and if not, Mommy is right behind her to set her right again so she can continue forward. She never once thinks I'm a mean mommy b/c I let her set forth on climbing steps that she might "mess up" on. She's just glad I let her try and that I promise to be there when she does slip.

I wanna approach life like this. I wanna be SOOOOOOO excited about things that I have to learn or face, that I run to meet them. I wanna KNOW that whenever I slip on something that God is always one step ahead of me to clear the way and one step behind me to right me again so I can carry on, excited. Then, when I get through the task, I want to be able to barrel ahead ready for the next challenge. I don't want to look back at past imperfections and question my ability to tackle a future task.

I know she wants to be like me. And I hope that I'm enough like her, that she never changes.

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