Thursday, 22 January 2009

New Hazel stuff!

Sorry I'm so behind. I didn't post at all when I was home over the holidays. HEck, I didn't get anything I needed to done, but that's whole other story.

I know a lot of you are craving details of the NKOTB concert, but my camera died on me during the opening act, and (bless her sweet heart) Jenn offered to take pictures for both of us and burn me a copy. Brett says he has it and will bring it home with him after work. So, I'll do a NKOTB post tonight or tomorrow. Supposedly there's 120 pictures and videos on that CD so it may take a little time to get them on the computer :)

Anyway, back to the Nut. Nothing exciting to report...we're learning new words and animal sounds every day. Her new favorite word is "no" and banana which comes out "mamana". So we do a lot of banana eating. The no's I'm trying to deal with by "listening" when she says no. If I'm feeding her and she says "no" then we stop eating. If I ask her if she wants or needs something and she says "no" then she doesn't get it. I know she doesn't fully understand the meaning of "no", but I'm hoping by doing this, she'll understand what it means. That way when mommy says "no", she knows that mommy means it. It seems to be working (for the time being anyway) as whenever I say, "Look at mommy. No." she seems to stop whatever she was doing and usually doesn't go back to doing it. But we'll see how long it lasts.

We've also moved on from Weetabix for breakfast to cheerios. Well, generic Cheerios, but still. She LOVES them. As a matter of fact, we're sharing a bowl right now! She's started insisting on feeding herself, which is fantastic, but she doesn't do real well scooping or stabbing food, so it's mostly me filling up her toddler spoon or fork, handing it to her and letting her insert it in her mouth. Needless to say, we're using the high chair almost constantly now.

I'm doing fairly well on my exercising. I'm supposed to go tonight and I can't decide if I feel up to it. MAy not be a bad idea to just go walk for a bit, I don't think I'll feel well enough to work up a sweat, but atleast I'll be there and doing something. Now I just need to really start tackling my food. However, as most food here in NI is full of fat and butter, I'm trying to tackle cooking at home first, and THEN cooking healthy. I'm afraid if I take on exercising (which is new) and cooking (which is new) and cooking healthy (which is really new), I'll be taking on too many new things and give up. So, I do the exercising and the cooking at home. Once I get a little more used to what ingredients I can find and where I can find them, I'll feel a little more comfortable being picky at what I cook. Unfortunately it's not as easy as going to Wal-mart for anything you need. Sigh :)

Well, Hazel is enjoying a "mamana", so I should get going while she's content. Here's new pictures and a video!
Wearing my Payton Manning jersey! Go Colts!

Mommy wore me out at Cheeky Monkeys Monday (the 19th) morning. I slept through getting Daddy from work, getting out of my carseat to go into the video store, through the video store, back into the car, all the way home, out of the car, into the house, and laying me down. I was so tired that I didn't stir once.

This is what happens when mommy runs to the store and leave Daddy and me home other words, Mommy was ahir stylist, so obviously this isn't her bow work....

Reading a magazine in my fort. Go away, Mommy.
Enjoying chili that mommy made...
A video of Hazel going down the small slide at Cheeky Monkeys all by herself! And the second is her enjoying a popsicle last night after dinner.

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